Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Week six of the 52 week photo challenge from M4H Photography has already come and passed! This weeks theme was; Composed. When I think of composer I think of control and a sense of calmness. For photography it is a similar thing. Composing is a part of the process when you are creating a photograph and an important one at that. When you are composing a photograph you are mentally deciding what elements are important and how you are going to frame your subject. It does not matter if you happen upon a subject quickly that you wish to photograph or whether your subject was pre-meditated, you are always going to make a choice about how you wish that photograph to be captured.

Having said that, some photographs are more composed then others. So, for this week, I decided to photograph in a way that is not normally my style, and completely create my subject. For this particular shoot I went to a shore access at the mouth of Eagle Harbor, where if you show up early enough in the morning (around 6 am) you can watch the rowing team practice!

So, here is an example of a photograph that was composed quickly and by using what was around me. This is generally the type of photograph that I like to do, just snapping whatever catches my eye!

Here is another example of a photograph, this time becoming more composed, by taking a chosen subject and putting them in what is around them. 

This is my final photo for composed. I took a subject and created it in a controlled background and then further edited to make a final image that I wanted. 

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