Sunday, November 3, 2013

Grotto Falls

Winter is approaching quickly as all the fall leaves have mostly died off. It would seem that in Montana we are stuck in Limbo, somewhere between fall and winter. It is getting too cold for hiking but not enough snow to break out the snowshoes and skis yet. With frosty mornings boasting twenty degree temperatures it is getting harder to find the motivation to get up from the warmth of my covers. Luckily for me, it is hard to pass up a beautifully sunny day. With several layers of clothing applied, I set out with my dog and roommate in tow with promises of steamy warm, and delicious coffee.

Hyalite Canyon is one of the most popular recreation areas in both winter and summer, due to its reservoir and waterfalls. Which is what continuously keeps me returning as well. With a fresh coat of snow the hike seemed even more refreshing and appealing.

As you walk into the Canyon the trail is wide and open and then begins following the creek. 

As you start to hear the waterfall in the distance you open up into a beautiful canyon. 

The mixture of snow, ice and water makes for an incredible display. 

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